How to include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file?


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Including a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file is a common task in web development. This can be done in various ways, depending on your project's structure and the environment (like browser or Node.js). Here are a few methods:

Using HTML <script> Tags (for Browser)

If your JavaScript files are intended to run in a browser, you can include them by using <script> tags in your HTML file. Each <script> tag references a different JavaScript file.

<!-- In your HTML file --> <script src="first.js"></script> <script src="second.js"></script>

Ensure that the order of the <script> tags reflects the dependencies between your scripts. For example, if second.js depends on code in first.js, first.js should come first.

Using ES6 Modules (for Browser and Modern JavaScript Environments)

Modern JavaScript supports modules, which allow you to export code from one file and import it into another. This is a very clean and maintainable way to manage dependencies.

  • In first.js:

    // Exporting a function or variable export const myFunction = () => { // some functionality };
  • In second.js:

    // Importing the function from first.js import { myFunction } from './first.js'; myFunction(); // Use the imported function

Remember to include type="module" in your <script> tag when using ES6 modules in the browser.

<script type="module" src="second.js"></script>

Using CommonJS (typically in Node.js environments)

In a Node.js environment, you can use the CommonJS require syntax.

  • In first.js:

    // Exporting a function or variable module.exports.myFunction = () => { // some functionality };
  • In second.js:

    // Importing the module from first.js const { myFunction } = require('./first.js'); myFunction(); // Use the function

This method is widely used in Node.js but is not natively supported in browsers.


Each of these methods has its use cases and best practices. ES6 modules are becoming increasingly popular due to their ease of use and readability, especially for front-end development. For server-side or full-stack development, Node.js's CommonJS modules are commonly used. Choose the method that best fits your project's needs and environment.

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